Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Solus and Gnome - COMPRO6

Lab Activity #3:

To those who did not make it in time last session's activity, you need to comply by submitting the attached source code to email adichosa@gmail.com with email subject "Act3-Late-[Your Section]-[Fullname]". This should be sent to my email not later than 12PM for Solus and 3PM for Gnome.


Lab Activity #4:


Write a program to accept five integers from the keyboard and store them to array arr. Process the array and display the sum, average, min and max.

Sample Output:

Enter element 1: 3
Enter element 2: 6
Enter element 3: 2
Enter element 4: 10
Enter element 5: 31


Sum: 56
Average: 11.2
Min: 2
Max: 31

Important: Email to adichosa@gmail.com with subject "Act4-[Your Section]-[Your name]".

Very very very ... very IMPORTANT:
I am appointing Mr. Togle of Solus and Mr. Pedrajas of Gnome to jot-down the names of those who are making loud noises during the session. Necessary deductions to Activity #4 will be imposed to those who are in the list.